Scans all running processes. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/implanted PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches).
No Matches
pesieve Namespace Reference


namespace  stats
namespace  util


struct  _ctx_details
 A custom structure keeping a fragment of a thread context. More...
struct  _process_details
struct  _t_pattern
class  AreaEntropyStats
struct  AreaInfo
class  AreaMultiStats
class  AreaStats
 Base class for the statistics from analyzed buffer. More...
class  AreaStatsCalculator
 A class responsible for filling in the statistics with the data from the particular buffer. More...
class  ArtefactScanner
 A scanner for detection of artefacts related to PE implants in the process workingset. More...
class  ArtefactScanReport
 A report from the artefacts scan, generated by ArtefactScanner. More...
struct  CachedModule
struct  ChunkStats
 Statistics from a block of data. More...
class  CodeMatcher
class  CodeScanner
 A scanner for detection of patches in the code. More...
class  CodeScanReport
 A report from the code scan, generated by CodeScanner. More...
class  EncryptedMatcher
class  ErrorReport
class  HeadersScanner
 A scanner for detection of PE header's modifications. More...
class  HeadersScanReport
 A report from the headers scan, generated by HeadersScanner. More...
class  HookTargetResolver
 Processes the list of the collected patches (preprocessed by PatchAnalyzer), and for those of them that were detected as hooks, it resolves information about to which modules do they lead to. More...
class  IATBlock
class  IATScanner
 A scanner for detection of IAT hooking. More...
class  IATScanReport
 A report from an IAT scan, generated by IATScanner. More...
class  IATThunksSeries
struct  IATThunksSeriesPtrCompare
class  ImportTableBuffer
class  ImpReconstructor
class  MalformedHeaderReport
class  MappingScanner
 A scanner for detection of inconsistencies in mapping. Checks if the mapped file name is different than the module file name. More...
class  MappingScanReport
class  MemPageData
class  ModuleData
 Loads a module from the disk, corresponding to the module in the scanned process' memory. More...
class  ModuleDumpReport
class  ModulesCache
class  ModuleScanner
 A base class for all the scanners operating on module data. More...
class  ModuleScanReport
 A base class of all the reports detailing on the output of the performed module's scan. More...
class  ModulesInfo
 A container of all the process modules that were scanned. More...
struct  MultiStatsSettings
 Settings defining what type of stats should be collected. More...
class  ObfuscatedMatcher
class  PatchAnalyzer
 A postprocessor of the detected code patches. Detects if the patch is a hook, and if so, tries to indentify the address where it leads to. More...
class  PatchList
class  PatternMatcher
class  PeArtefacts
 A report about the PE artefact detected in the workingset. More...
class  PeBuffer
class  PeReconstructor
class  PeSection
 Buffers the defined PE section belonging to the module loaded in the scanned process into the local memory. More...
class  ProcessDumpReport
 The report aggregating the results of the performed dumps. More...
class  ProcessFeatureScanner
 A base class for all the scanners checking appropriate process' features. More...
class  ProcessScanner
 The root scanner, responsible for enumerating all the elements to be scanned within a given process, and performing apropriate scans on them. More...
class  ProcessScanReport
 The report aggregating the results of the performed scan. More...
class  RemoteModuleData
 Buffers the data from the module loaded in the scanned process into the local memory. More...
class  ReportEx
 The final report about the actions performed on the process: scanning and dumping. More...
class  ResultsDumper
class  RuleMatcher
struct  RuleMatchersSet
class  ScannedModule
 Represents a basic info about the scanned module, such as its base offset, size, and the status. More...
class  SkippedModuleReport
struct  StatsSettings
 Base class for settings defining what type of stats should be collected. More...
struct  SyscallTable
class  t_data_scan_mode
class  t_dotnet_policy
class  t_dump_mode
class  t_iat_scan_mode
class  t_imprec_mode
class  t_json_level
class  t_obfusc_mode
class  t_output_filter
class  t_params
class  t_report
class  t_report_type
class  t_results_filter
class  t_shellc_mode
class  TextMatcher
class  ThreadScanner
class  ThreadScanReport
 A report from the thread scan, generated by ThreadScanner. More...
class  ThunkFoundCallback
 A class containing callbacks for functions: find_iat, fill_iat. More...
class  UnreachableModuleReport
class  WorkingSetScanner
 A scanner for detection of code implants in the process workingset. More...
class  WorkingSetScanReport
 A report from the working set scan, generated by WorkingSetScanner. More...


typedef std::set< IATThunksSeries *, IATThunksSeriesPtrCompareIATThunksSeriesSet
typedef enum pesieve::module_scan_status t_scan_status
typedef struct pesieve::_process_details process_details
typedef struct pesieve::_ctx_details ctx_details
 A custom structure keeping a fragment of a thread context.
typedef struct pesieve::_t_pattern t_pattern


enum  module_scan_status { SCAN_ERROR = -1 , SCAN_NOT_SUSPICIOUS = 0 , SCAN_SUSPICIOUS = 1 }
enum  t_patch_type {


 version_to_str (version_val)
 init ()
 PESieve_help ()
t_report PESieve_scan (t_params params)
(t_report, str, int) PESieve_scan_ex (t_params params, t_report_type rtype, int buf_size)
void params_fields_to_JSON (pesieve::t_params &params, std::stringstream &outs, size_t level)
void params_to_JSON (pesieve::t_params &params, std::stringstream &stream, size_t start_level)
std::string translate_dump_mode (const DWORD dump_mode)
std::string translate_out_filter (const pesieve::t_output_filter o_filter)
std::string translate_results_filter (const pesieve::t_results_filter r_filter)
std::string results_filter_to_id (const DWORD r_filter)
std::string translate_data_mode (const pesieve::t_data_scan_mode &mode)
std::string translate_imprec_mode (const pesieve::t_imprec_mode imprec_mode)
std::string translate_dotnet_policy (const pesieve::t_dotnet_policy &mode)
std::string translate_iat_scan_mode (const pesieve::t_iat_scan_mode mode)
std::string translate_json_level (const pesieve::t_json_level &mode)
std::string translate_shellc_mode (const pesieve::t_shellc_mode &mode)
std::string shellc_mode_mode_to_id (const pesieve::t_shellc_mode &mode)
std::string translate_obfusc_mode (const pesieve::t_obfusc_mode &mode)
std::string obfusc_mode_mode_to_id (const pesieve::t_obfusc_mode &mode)
std::string dump_mode_to_id (const DWORD dump_mode)
std::string imprec_mode_to_id (const pesieve::t_imprec_mode imprec_mode)
void check_access_denied (DWORD processID)
bool is_scanner_compatible (IN HANDLE hProcess)
HANDLE open_process (DWORD processID, bool reflection, bool quiet)
pesieve::ProcessDumpReportmake_dump (IN HANDLE hProcess, IN bool isRefl, IN const pesieve::t_params &args, IN ProcessScanReport &process_report)
bool is_by_patterns (const t_shellc_mode &shellc_mode)
std::string info ()
 The string with the basic information about the scanner.
ReportExscan_and_dump (IN const pesieve::t_params args)
 The main action performed by PE-sieve: scanning the process and dumping the detected material.
size_t get_longest_func_name (std::map< ULONGLONG, std::set< peconv::ExportedFunc > > &addrToFunc)
template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t fill_iat (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IN OUT IATBlock &iat, IN ThunkFoundCallback *callback)
template<typename FIELD_T >
IATBlockfind_iat (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IN size_t search_offset, IN ThunkFoundCallback *callback)
BYTE * get_buffer_space_at (IN BYTE *buffer, IN const size_t buffer_size, IN const DWORD buffer_rva, IN const DWORD required_rva, IN const size_t required_size)
template<typename FIELD_T >
bool is_valid_import_descriptor (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *desc)
template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t calc_import_table_size (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *first_desc)
template<typename FIELD_T >
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * find_first_import_descriptor (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *found_desc)
template<typename FIELD_T >
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * find_import_table_tpl (IN BYTE *vBuf, IN size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IN DWORD iat_offset, OUT size_t &table_size, IN OPTIONAL size_t search_offset)
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * find_import_table (IN bool is64bit, IN BYTE *vBuf, IN size_t vBufSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap, IN DWORD iat_offset, OUT size_t &table_size, IN OPTIONAL size_t search_offset)
bool shift_artefacts (PeArtefacts &artefacts, size_t shift_size)
template<typename IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_T >
bool overwrite_opt_hdr (BYTE *vBuf, size_t vBufSize, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_T *opt_hdr_ptr, PeArtefacts &artefacts)
std::string scan_report_to_string (const ProcessScanReport &report)
std::string scan_report_to_json (const ProcessScanReport &process_report, t_results_filter filter, const pesieve::t_json_level &jdetails, size_t start_level=0)
std::string dump_report_to_json (const ProcessDumpReport &process_report, const pesieve::t_json_level &jdetails, size_t start_level=0)
std::string err_report_to_json (const ErrorReport &err_report, t_results_filter filter, size_t start_level=0)
std::string report_to_json (const ReportEx &report, const t_report_type rtype, t_results_filter filter, const pesieve::t_json_level &jdetails, size_t start_level=0)
std::string get_payload_ext (const ArtefactScanReport &artefactRepot)
std::string get_dump_mode_name (peconv::t_pe_dump_mode dump_mode)
std::string get_imprec_res_name (const ImpReconstructor::t_imprec_res &res)
peconv::t_pe_dump_mode convert_to_peconv_dump_mode (const pesieve::t_dump_mode dump_mode)
bool make_dump_dir (const std::string &directory)
std::string get_module_file_name (HANDLE processHandle, const ModuleScanReport &mod)
bool is_valid_file_hdr (BYTE *loadedData, size_t loadedSize, BYTE *hdr_ptr, DWORD charact)
bool is_valid_section (BYTE *loadedData, size_t loadedSize, BYTE *hdr_ptr, DWORD charact)
BYTE * first_different (const BYTE *buf_ptr, size_t bif_size, const BYTE padding)
bool is_shown_type (t_scan_status status, t_results_filter filter)
bool validate_param_str (PARAM_STRING &strparam)
void print_scan_time (const char *scanned_element, size_t total_time)
bool is_running (HANDLE processHandle)
bool is_thread_running (HANDLE hThread)
bool is_by_stats (const t_shellc_mode &shellc_mode)
bool match_to_tag (std::ofstream &patch_report, const char delimiter, size_t start_offset, const sig_finder::Match &match)
double getValRatio (IN const AreaMultiStats &stats, BYTE val)
size_t checkRatios (IN const AreaMultiStats &stats, IN std::map< BYTE, double > &ratios)
size_t countFoundStrings (IN const AreaMultiStats &stats, IN const std::set< std::string > &neededStrings, IN size_t minOccurrence)
size_t init_32_patterns (Node *rootN)
size_t init_64_patterns (Node *rootN)
size_t search_till_pattern (sig_finder::Node &rootN, const BYTE *loadedData, size_t loadedSize)


int PESIEVE_MIN_VER = 0x040000
int PESIEVE_MAX_VER = 0x040000
int MAX_PATH = 260
 lib = None
 PESieve_version = None
const WORD ERROR_COLOR = 0x0c
const char PESIEVE_URL [] = ""
std::set< DWORD > HardcodedPatterns
pesieve::util::Mutex g_HardcodedPatternsMutex
BYTE prolog32_pattern []
BYTE prolog32_2_pattern []
BYTE prolog32_3_pattern []
t_pattern patterns32 []
BYTE prolog64_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_2_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_3_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_4_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_5_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_6_pattern []
BYTE prolog64_7_pattern []
t_pattern patterns64 []

Typedef Documentation

◆ ctx_details

A custom structure keeping a fragment of a thread context.

◆ IATThunksSeriesSet

Definition at line 76 of file iat_block.h.

◆ process_details

◆ t_pattern

◆ t_scan_status

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ module_scan_status


Definition at line 18 of file module_scan_report.h.

◆ t_patch_type


Definition at line 11 of file patch_list.h.

Function Documentation

◆ calc_import_table_size()

template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t pesieve::calc_import_table_size ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,

Definition at line 45 of file import_table_finder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_access_denied()

void pesieve::check_access_denied ( DWORD processID)

Definition at line 28 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkRatios()

size_t pesieve::checkRatios ( IN const AreaMultiStats & stats,
IN std::map< BYTE, double > & ratios )

Definition at line 42 of file stats_analyzer.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convert_to_peconv_dump_mode()

peconv::t_pe_dump_mode pesieve::convert_to_peconv_dump_mode ( const pesieve::t_dump_mode dump_mode)

Definition at line 71 of file results_dumper.cpp.

◆ countFoundStrings()

size_t pesieve::countFoundStrings ( IN const AreaMultiStats & stats,
IN const std::set< std::string > & neededStrings,
IN size_t minOccurrence )

Definition at line 59 of file stats_analyzer.cpp.

◆ dump_mode_to_id()

std::string pesieve::dump_mode_to_id ( const DWORD dump_mode)

Definition at line 22 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ dump_report_to_json()

std::string pesieve::dump_report_to_json ( const ProcessDumpReport & process_report,
const pesieve::t_json_level & jdetails,
size_t start_level = 0 )

Definition at line 87 of file report_formatter.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ err_report_to_json()

std::string pesieve::err_report_to_json ( const ErrorReport & err_report,
t_results_filter filter,
size_t start_level = 0 )

Definition at line 39 of file report_formatter.cpp.

◆ fill_iat()

template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t pesieve::fill_iat ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,
IN OUT IATBlock & iat,
IN ThunkFoundCallback * callback )

Definition at line 31 of file iat_finder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_first_import_descriptor()

template<typename FIELD_T >
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * pesieve::find_first_import_descriptor ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,

Definition at line 67 of file import_table_finder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_iat()

template<typename FIELD_T >
IATBlock * pesieve::find_iat ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,
IN size_t search_offset,
IN ThunkFoundCallback * callback )

Definition at line 94 of file iat_finder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_import_table()

IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * pesieve::find_import_table ( IN bool is64bit,
IN BYTE * vBuf,
IN size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,
IN DWORD iat_offset,
OUT size_t & table_size,
IN OPTIONAL size_t search_offset )

Definition at line 3 of file import_table_finder.cpp.

◆ find_import_table_tpl()

template<typename FIELD_T >
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR * pesieve::find_import_table_tpl ( IN BYTE * vBuf,
IN size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,
IN DWORD iat_offset,
OUT size_t & table_size,
IN OPTIONAL size_t search_offset )

Definition at line 87 of file import_table_finder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ first_different()

BYTE * pesieve::first_different ( const BYTE * buf_ptr,
size_t bif_size,
const BYTE padding )

Definition at line 168 of file code_scanner.cpp.

◆ get_buffer_space_at()

BYTE * pesieve::get_buffer_space_at ( IN BYTE * buffer,
IN const size_t buffer_size,
IN const DWORD buffer_rva,
IN const DWORD required_rva,
IN const size_t required_size )

Definition at line 13 of file imp_reconstructor.cpp.

◆ get_dump_mode_name()

std::string pesieve::get_dump_mode_name ( peconv::t_pe_dump_mode dump_mode)

Definition at line 31 of file results_dumper.cpp.

◆ get_imprec_res_name()

std::string pesieve::get_imprec_res_name ( const ImpReconstructor::t_imprec_res & res)

Definition at line 44 of file results_dumper.cpp.

◆ get_longest_func_name()

size_t pesieve::get_longest_func_name ( std::map< ULONGLONG, std::set< peconv::ExportedFunc > > & addrToFunc)

Definition at line 5 of file iat_block.cpp.

◆ get_module_file_name()

std::string pesieve::get_module_file_name ( HANDLE processHandle,
const ModuleScanReport & mod )

Definition at line 97 of file results_dumper.cpp.

◆ get_payload_ext()

std::string pesieve::get_payload_ext ( const ArtefactScanReport & artefactRepot)

Definition at line 20 of file results_dumper.cpp.

◆ getValRatio()

double pesieve::getValRatio ( IN const AreaMultiStats & stats,
BYTE val )

Definition at line 16 of file stats_analyzer.cpp.

◆ imprec_mode_to_id()

std::string pesieve::imprec_mode_to_id ( const pesieve::t_imprec_mode imprec_mode)

Definition at line 96 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ info()

std::string pesieve::info ( )

The string with the basic information about the scanner.

Definition at line 274 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

◆ init()

pesieve.init ( )

Definition at line 159 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init_32_patterns()

size_t pesieve::init_32_patterns ( Node * rootN)

Definition at line 26 of file artefacts_util.cpp.

◆ init_64_patterns()

size_t pesieve::init_64_patterns ( Node * rootN)

Definition at line 45 of file artefacts_util.cpp.

◆ is_by_patterns()

bool pesieve::is_by_patterns ( const t_shellc_mode & shellc_mode)

Definition at line 185 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

◆ is_by_stats()

bool pesieve::is_by_stats ( const t_shellc_mode & shellc_mode)

Definition at line 19 of file workingset_scanner.cpp.

◆ is_running()

bool pesieve::is_running ( HANDLE processHandle)

Definition at line 67 of file scanner.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_scanner_compatible()

bool pesieve::is_scanner_compatible ( IN HANDLE hProcess)

Definition at line 50 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_shown_type()

bool pesieve::is_shown_type ( t_scan_status status,
t_results_filter filter )

Definition at line 19 of file scan_report.cpp.

◆ is_thread_running()

bool pesieve::is_thread_running ( HANDLE hThread)

Definition at line 41 of file thread_scanner.cpp.

◆ is_valid_file_hdr()

bool pesieve::is_valid_file_hdr ( BYTE * loadedData,
size_t loadedSize,
BYTE * hdr_ptr,
DWORD charact )

Definition at line 454 of file artefact_scanner.cpp.

◆ is_valid_import_descriptor()

template<typename FIELD_T >
bool pesieve::is_valid_import_descriptor ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap,

Definition at line 7 of file import_table_finder.h.

◆ is_valid_section()

bool pesieve::is_valid_section ( BYTE * loadedData,
size_t loadedSize,
BYTE * hdr_ptr,
DWORD charact )

Definition at line 102 of file artefact_scanner.cpp.

◆ make_dump()

pesieve::ProcessDumpReport * pesieve::make_dump ( IN HANDLE hProcess,
IN bool isRefl,
IN const pesieve::t_params & args,
IN ProcessScanReport & process_report )

Definition at line 118 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_dump_dir()

bool pesieve::make_dump_dir ( const std::string & directory)

Definition at line 89 of file results_dumper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ match_to_tag()

bool pesieve::match_to_tag ( std::ofstream & patch_report,
const char delimiter,
size_t start_offset,
const sig_finder::Match & match )

Definition at line 30 of file workingset_scanner.cpp.

◆ obfusc_mode_mode_to_id()

std::string pesieve::obfusc_mode_mode_to_id ( const pesieve::t_obfusc_mode & mode)

Definition at line 212 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ open_process()

HANDLE pesieve::open_process ( DWORD processID,
bool reflection,
bool quiet )

Definition at line 65 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ overwrite_opt_hdr()

template<typename IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_T >
bool pesieve::overwrite_opt_hdr ( BYTE * vBuf,
size_t vBufSize,
PeArtefacts & artefacts )

Definition at line 14 of file pe_reconstructor.h.

◆ params_fields_to_JSON()

void pesieve::params_fields_to_JSON ( pesieve::t_params & params,
std::stringstream & outs,
size_t level )

Definition at line 5 of file params_dump.cpp.

◆ params_to_JSON()

void pesieve::params_to_JSON ( pesieve::t_params & params,
std::stringstream & stream,
size_t start_level )

Definition at line 54 of file params_dump.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PESieve_help()

pesieve.PESieve_help ( void )

Definition at line 180 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PESieve_scan()

t_report pesieve.PESieve_scan ( t_params params)

Definition at line 185 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PESieve_scan_ex()

(t_report, str, int) pesieve.PESieve_scan_ex ( t_params params,
t_report_type rtype,
int buf_size )

Definition at line 198 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_scan_time()

void pesieve::print_scan_time ( const char * scanned_element,
size_t total_time )

Definition at line 59 of file scanner.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ report_to_json()

std::string pesieve::report_to_json ( const ReportEx & report,
const t_report_type rtype,
t_results_filter filter,
const pesieve::t_json_level & jdetails,
size_t start_level = 0 )

Definition at line 106 of file report_formatter.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ results_filter_to_id()

std::string pesieve::results_filter_to_id ( const DWORD r_filter)

Definition at line 63 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ scan_and_dump()

pesieve::ReportEx * pesieve::scan_and_dump ( IN const pesieve::t_params args)

The main action performed by PE-sieve: scanning the process and dumping the detected material.

args: the configuration of the scan (defined as t_params)
A pointer to the generated report (of type ReportEx)

Definition at line 198 of file pe_sieve.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_report_to_json()

std::string pesieve::scan_report_to_json ( const ProcessScanReport & process_report,
t_results_filter filter,
const pesieve::t_json_level & jdetails,
size_t start_level = 0 )

Definition at line 67 of file report_formatter.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scan_report_to_string()

std::string pesieve::scan_report_to_string ( const ProcessScanReport & report)

Definition at line 7 of file report_formatter.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ search_till_pattern()

size_t pesieve::search_till_pattern ( sig_finder::Node & rootN,
const BYTE * loadedData,
size_t loadedSize )

Definition at line 64 of file artefacts_util.cpp.

◆ shellc_mode_mode_to_id()

std::string pesieve::shellc_mode_mode_to_id ( const pesieve::t_shellc_mode & mode)

Definition at line 165 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ shift_artefacts()

bool pesieve::shift_artefacts ( PeArtefacts & artefacts,
size_t shift_size )

Definition at line 8 of file pe_reconstructor.cpp.

◆ translate_data_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_data_mode ( const pesieve::t_data_scan_mode & mode)

Definition at line 133 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_dotnet_policy()

std::string pesieve::translate_dotnet_policy ( const pesieve::t_dotnet_policy & mode)

Definition at line 116 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_dump_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_dump_mode ( const DWORD dump_mode)

Definition at line 7 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_iat_scan_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_iat_scan_mode ( const pesieve::t_iat_scan_mode mode)

Definition at line 226 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_imprec_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_imprec_mode ( const pesieve::t_imprec_mode imprec_mode)

Definition at line 76 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_json_level()

std::string pesieve::translate_json_level ( const pesieve::t_json_level & mode)

Definition at line 152 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_obfusc_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_obfusc_mode ( const pesieve::t_obfusc_mode & mode)

Definition at line 197 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_out_filter()

std::string pesieve::translate_out_filter ( const pesieve::t_output_filter o_filter)

Definition at line 37 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_results_filter()

std::string pesieve::translate_results_filter ( const pesieve::t_results_filter r_filter)

Definition at line 50 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ translate_shellc_mode()

std::string pesieve::translate_shellc_mode ( const pesieve::t_shellc_mode & mode)

Definition at line 180 of file pe_sieve_params_info.cpp.

◆ validate_param_str()

bool pesieve::validate_param_str ( PARAM_STRING & strparam)

Definition at line 31 of file scanner.cpp.

◆ version_to_str()

pesieve.version_to_str ( version_val)

Definition at line 12 of file

Variable Documentation


const WORD pesieve.ERROR_COLOR = 0x0c

Definition at line 5 of file color_scheme.h.


int pesieve.ERROR_SCAN_FAILURE = -1

Definition at line 9 of file

◆ g_HardcodedPatternsMutex

pesieve::util::Mutex pesieve.g_HardcodedPatternsMutex

Definition at line 24 of file artefacts_util.cpp.

◆ HardcodedPatterns

std::set<DWORD> pesieve.HardcodedPatterns

Definition at line 23 of file artefacts_util.cpp.


const WORD pesieve.HILIGHTED_COLOR = 0x0f

Definition at line 7 of file color_scheme.h.

◆ lib

pesieve.lib = None

Definition at line 156 of file


int pesieve.MAX_PATH = 260

Definition at line 10 of file

◆ patterns32

t_pattern pesieve.patterns32[]
Initial value:
= {
{ prolog32_3_pattern, sizeof(prolog32_3_pattern) }
BYTE prolog32_pattern[]
BYTE prolog32_2_pattern[]

Definition at line 26 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ patterns64

t_pattern pesieve.patterns64[]
Initial value:
= {
{ prolog64_3_pattern, sizeof(prolog64_3_pattern) },
BYTE prolog64_5_pattern[]
BYTE prolog64_6_pattern[]
BYTE prolog64_4_pattern[]
BYTE prolog64_pattern[]
BYTE prolog64_2_pattern[]
BYTE prolog64_7_pattern[]

Definition at line 70 of file code_patterns.h.


int pesieve.PESIEVE_MAX_VER = 0x040000

Definition at line 7 of file


int pesieve.PESIEVE_MIN_VER = 0x040000

Definition at line 6 of file


const char pesieve.PESIEVE_URL[] = ""

Definition at line 21 of file pe_sieve.h.

◆ PESieve_version

pesieve.PESieve_version = None

Definition at line 157 of file

◆ prolog32_2_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog32_2_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x89, 0xE5

Definition at line 16 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog32_3_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog32_3_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x89, 0xE5

Definition at line 21 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog32_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog32_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x8b, 0xEC

Definition at line 11 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_2_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_2_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x48, 0x8B, 0xEC

Definition at line 36 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_3_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_3_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x40, 0x55,
0x48, 0x83, 0xEC

Definition at line 40 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_4_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_4_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x48, 0x81, 0xEC

Definition at line 44 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_5_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_5_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x48, 0x83, 0xE4, 0xF0

Definition at line 48 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_6_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_6_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x48, 0x89, 0xE7

Definition at line 51 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_7_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_7_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x48, 0x8B, 0xC4,
0x48, 0x89, 0x58, 0x08,
0x4C, 0x89, 0x48, 0x20,
0x4C, 0x89, 0x40, 0x18,
0x48, 0x89, 0x50, 0x10,
0x41, 0x54,
0x41, 0x55,
0x41, 0x56,
0x41, 0x57

Definition at line 55 of file code_patterns.h.

◆ prolog64_pattern

BYTE pesieve.prolog64_pattern[]
Initial value:
= {
0x40, 0x53,
0x48, 0x83, 0xEC

Definition at line 32 of file code_patterns.h.


const WORD pesieve.WARNING_COLOR = 0x0c

Definition at line 6 of file color_scheme.h.