A library to load, manipulate, dump PE files.
No Matches
peconv Namespace Reference


class  CollectCodeRelocs
class  default_func_resolver
struct  DllInfo
class  export_based_resolver
class  ExportedFunc
class  ExportsMapper
class  hooking_func_resolver
class  ImportedDllCoverage
struct  ImportsCollection
class  ImportsUneraser
class  ImportThunksCallback
class  ImpsNotCovered
class  PatchBackup
class  RelocBlockCallback
class  t_function_resolver


typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W10 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W10
typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W10 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W10
typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W8 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W8
typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W8 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W8
typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W7 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32_W7
typedef struct peconv::_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W7 IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64_W7
typedef bool(* t_on_res_entry_found) (BYTE *modulePtr, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *root_dir, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *curr_entry)


enum  t_load_config_ver {
enum  t_pe_dump_mode {


bool validate_ptr (IN const void *buffer_bgn, IN size_t buffer_size, IN const void *field_bgn, IN size_t field_size)
UNALIGNED_BUF alloc_unaligned (size_t buf_size)
void free_unaligned (UNALIGNED_BUF section_buffer)
ALIGNED_BUF alloc_aligned (size_t buffer_size, DWORD protect, ULONGLONG desired_base=NULL)
bool free_aligned (ALIGNED_BUF buffer, size_t buffer_size=0)
ALIGNED_BUF alloc_pe_buffer (size_t buffer_size, DWORD protect, ULONGLONG desired_base=NULL)
bool free_pe_buffer (ALIGNED_BUF buffer, size_t buffer_size=0)
PBYTE find_ending_cave (BYTE *module_ptr, size_t module_size, const DWORD cave_size, const DWORD cave_charact=IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ)
PBYTE find_alignment_cave (BYTE *modulePtr, size_t moduleSize, const DWORD cave_size, const DWORD req_charact=IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ)
PBYTE find_padding_cave (BYTE *modulePtr, size_t moduleSize, const size_t minimal_size, const DWORD req_charact=IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ)
IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTORget_delayed_imps (IN const BYTE *modulePtr, IN const size_t moduleSize, OUT size_t &dir_size)
bool load_delayed_imports (BYTE *modulePtr, const ULONGLONG moduleBase, t_function_resolver *func_resolver=nullptr)
bool setup_exceptions (IN BYTE *modulePtr, IN size_t moduleSize)
size_t forwarder_name_len (BYTE *fPtr)
std::string get_dll_shortname (const std::string &str)
std::string get_func_name (const std::string &str)
std::string ordinal_to_string (DWORD func_ordinal)
bool is_ordinal_string (const std::string &str)
DWORD ordinal_string_to_val (const std::string &str)
std::string format_dll_func (const std::string &str)
FARPROC get_exported_func (PVOID modulePtr, LPCSTR wanted_name)
size_t get_exported_names (PVOID modulePtr, std::vector< std::string > &names_list)
LPSTR read_dll_name (HMODULE modulePtr)
peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF load_file (IN LPCTSTR filename, OUT size_t &r_size)
peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF read_from_file (IN LPCTSTR path, IN OUT size_t &read_size)
bool dump_to_file (IN LPCTSTR path, IN PBYTE dump_data, IN size_t dump_size)
void free_file (IN peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF buffer)
std::string get_file_name (IN const std::string full_path)
std::string get_directory_name (IN const std::string full_path)
size_t find_extension_pos (IN const std::string str)
ULONGLONG find_base_candidate (IN BYTE *module_ptr, IN size_t module_size)
bool fix_imports (IN OUT PVOID modulePtr, IN size_t moduleSize, IN const peconv::ExportsMapper &exportsMap, OUT OPTIONAL peconv::ImpsNotCovered *notCovered)
size_t redirect_to_local64 (void *ptr, ULONGLONG new_offset, PatchBackup *backup=nullptr)
size_t redirect_to_local32 (void *ptr, DWORD new_offset, PatchBackup *backup=nullptr)
size_t redirect_to_local (void *ptr, void *new_function_ptr, PatchBackup *backup=nullptr)
bool replace_target (BYTE *ptr, ULONGLONG dest_addr)
bool process_import_table (IN BYTE *modulePtr, IN SIZE_T moduleSize, IN ImportThunksCallback *callback)
bool load_imports (BYTE *modulePtr, t_function_resolver *func_resolver=nullptr)
bool has_valid_import_table (const PBYTE modulePtr, size_t moduleSize)
bool is_valid_import_name (const PBYTE modulePtr, const size_t moduleSize, LPSTR lib_name)
bool collect_thunks (IN BYTE *modulePtr, IN SIZE_T moduleSize, OUT std::set< DWORD > &thunk_rvas)
bool collect_imports (IN BYTE *modulePtr, IN SIZE_T moduleSize, OUT ImportsCollection &collection)
BYTE * get_load_config_ptr (BYTE *buffer, size_t buf_size)
t_load_config_ver get_load_config_version (BYTE *buffer, size_t buf_size, BYTE *ld_config_ptr)
t_pe_dump_mode detect_dump_mode (IN const BYTE *buffer, IN size_t buffer_size)
bool dump_pe (IN LPCTSTR outputFilePath, IN OUT BYTE *buffer, IN size_t buffer_size, IN const ULONGLONG module_base, IN OUT t_pe_dump_mode &dump_mode, IN OPTIONAL const peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap=nullptr)
template<typename INT_TYPE >
INT_TYPE round_up_to_unit (const INT_TYPE size, const INT_TYPE unit)
DWORD get_image_size (IN const BYTE *payload)
bool update_image_size (IN OUT BYTE *payload, IN DWORD new_img_size)
WORD get_nt_hdr_architecture (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
bool is64bit (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
BYTE * get_nt_hdrs (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN OPTIONAL size_t buffer_size=0)
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 * get_nt_hdrs32 (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 * get_nt_hdrs64 (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
LPVOID get_optional_hdr (IN const BYTE *payload, IN const size_t buffer_size)
const IMAGE_FILE_HEADER * get_file_hdr (IN const BYTE *payload, IN const size_t buffer_size)
DWORD get_hdrs_size (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * get_directory_entry (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN DWORD dir_id, IN bool allow_empty=false)
template<typename IMAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY >
IMAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY * get_type_directory (IN HMODULE modulePtr, IN DWORD dir_id)
IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY * get_export_directory (IN HMODULE modulePtr)
ULONGLONG get_image_base (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
bool update_image_base (IN OUT BYTE *payload, IN ULONGLONG destImageBase)
DWORD get_entry_point_rva (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
bool update_entry_point_rva (IN OUT BYTE *pe_buffer, IN DWORD ep)
size_t get_sections_count (IN const BYTE *buffer, IN const size_t buffer_size)
bool is_valid_sections_hdr_offset (IN const BYTE *buffer, IN const size_t buffer_size)
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER get_section_hdr (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN const size_t buffer_size, IN size_t section_num)
WORD get_file_characteristics (IN const BYTE *payload)
bool is_module_dll (IN const BYTE *payload)
bool is_dot_net (BYTE *pe_buffer, size_t pe_buffer_size)
WORD get_dll_characteristics (IN const BYTE *payload)
bool set_subsystem (IN OUT BYTE *payload, IN WORD subsystem)
WORD get_subsystem (IN const BYTE *payload)
bool has_relocations (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer)
IMAGE_COR20_HEADER * get_dotnet_hdr (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN size_t const buffer_size, IN const IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *dotNetDir)
DWORD get_sec_alignment (IN const BYTE *modulePtr, IN bool is_raw)
bool set_sec_alignment (IN OUT BYTE *pe_buffer, IN bool is_raw, IN DWORD new_alignment)
DWORD get_virtual_sec_size (IN const BYTE *pe_hdr, IN const PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sec_hdr, IN bool rounded)
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER get_last_section (IN const PBYTE pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size, IN bool is_raw)
DWORD calc_pe_size (IN const PBYTE pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size, IN bool is_raw)
bool is_valid_sectons_alignment (IN const BYTE *buffer, IN const SIZE_T buffer_size, IN bool is_raw)
BYTE * load_pe_module (BYTE *payload_raw, size_t r_size, OUT size_t &v_size, bool executable, bool relocate, ULONGLONG desired_base=0)
BYTE * load_pe_module (LPCTSTR filename, OUT size_t &v_size, bool executable, bool relocate, ULONGLONG desired_base=0)
BYTE * load_pe_executable (BYTE *payload_raw, size_t r_size, OUT size_t &v_size, t_function_resolver *import_resolver=nullptr, ULONGLONG desired_base=0)
BYTE * load_pe_executable (LPCTSTR filename, OUT size_t &v_size, t_function_resolver *import_resolver=nullptr)
bool is_pe_raw (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size)
bool is_pe_raw_eq_virtual (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size)
bool is_pe_expanded (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size)
bool is_section_expanded (IN const BYTE *pe_buffer, IN size_t pe_size, IN const PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sec)
BYTE * pe_raw_to_virtual (IN const BYTE *rawPeBuffer, IN size_t rawPeSize, OUT size_t &outputSize, IN OPTIONAL bool executable=true, IN OPTIONAL ULONGLONG desired_base=0)
BYTE * pe_virtual_to_raw (IN BYTE *payload, IN size_t in_size, IN ULONGLONG loadBase, OUT size_t &outputSize, IN OPTIONAL bool rebuffer=true)
BYTE * pe_realign_raw_to_virtual (IN const BYTE *payload, IN size_t in_size, IN ULONGLONG loadBase, OUT size_t &outputSize)
HMODULE get_module_via_peb (IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR module_name=nullptr)
size_t get_module_size_via_peb (IN OPTIONAL HMODULE hModule=nullptr)
bool set_main_module_in_peb (HMODULE hModule)
HMODULE get_main_module_via_peb ()
bool process_relocation_table (IN PVOID modulePtr, IN SIZE_T moduleSize, IN RelocBlockCallback *callback)
bool relocate_module (IN BYTE *modulePtr, IN SIZE_T moduleSize, IN ULONGLONG newBase, IN ULONGLONG oldBase=0)
bool has_valid_relocation_table (IN const PBYTE modulePtr, IN const size_t moduleSize)
bool fetch_region_info (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &page_info)
size_t fetch_region_size (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr)
ULONGLONG fetch_alloc_base (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr)
size_t read_remote_memory (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const SIZE_T minimal_size=0x100)
size_t read_remote_region (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const bool force_access, const SIZE_T minimal_size=0x100)
size_t read_remote_area (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const bool force_access, const SIZE_T minimal_size=0x100)
bool read_remote_pe_header (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID moduleBase, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t bufferSize, bool force_access=false)
peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF get_remote_pe_section (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID moduleBase, const size_t sectionNum, OUT size_t &sectionSize, bool roundup, bool force_access=false)
size_t read_remote_pe (const HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID moduleBase, const size_t moduleSize, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t bufferSize)
bool dump_remote_pe (IN LPCTSTR outputFilePath, IN const HANDLE processHandle, IN LPVOID moduleBase, IN OUT t_pe_dump_mode &dump_mode, IN OPTIONAL peconv::ExportsMapper *exportsMap=nullptr)
DWORD get_remote_image_size (IN const HANDLE processHandle, IN LPVOID start_addr)
bool parse_resources (BYTE *modulePtr, t_on_res_entry_found on_entry)
peconv::ALIGNED_BUF load_resource_data (OUT size_t &out_size, const int res_id, const LPSTR res_type=RT_RCDATA_A, HMODULE hInstance=nullptr)
void free_resource_data (peconv::ALIGNED_BUF buffer)
HMODULE get_current_module_handle ()
bool virtual_addr_to_rva (IN const ULONGLONG imgBase, IN const DWORD imgSize, IN ULONGLONG virtualAddr, OUT DWORD &outRVA)
size_t list_tls_callbacks (IN PVOID modulePtr, IN size_t moduleSize, OUT std::vector< ULONGLONG > &tls_callbacks)
size_t run_tls_callbacks (IN PVOID modulePtr, IN size_t moduleSize=0, IN DWORD dwReason=DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
bool is_padding (const BYTE *cave_ptr, size_t cave_size, const BYTE padding_char)
DWORD get_process_id (HANDLE hProcess)
bool is_mem_accessible (LPCVOID areaStart, SIZE_T areaSize, DWORD accessRights)
bool is_bad_read_ptr (LPCVOID areaStart, SIZE_T areaSize)
bool is_valid_extension (const std::string &ext)
std::string remove_module_extension (IN const std::string str)
bool is_pointer_in_ntdll (LPVOID lpAddress)
BOOL nt_protect (LPVOID lpAddress, SIZE_T dwSize, DWORD flNewProtect, PDWORD lpflOldProtect)
BYTE * load_no_sec_pe (BYTE *dllRawData, size_t r_size, OUT size_t &v_size, bool executable)
SIZE_T _search_readable_size (HANDLE processHandle, LPVOID start_addr, OUT BYTE *buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const SIZE_T minimal_size)
size_t roundup_to_unit (size_t size, size_t unit)
template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t fetch_callbacks_list (IN PVOID modulePtr, IN size_t moduleSize, IN DWORD callbacks_rva, OUT std::vector< ULONGLONG > &tls_callbacks)
HMODULE get_kernel32_hndl ()
HMODULE get_ntdll_hndl ()


HMODULE g_kernel32Hndl = nullptr
HMODULE g_ntdllHndl = nullptr

Typedef Documentation


typedef PBYTE peconv::ALIGNED_BUF

A buffer allocated in a virtual space of a process, aligned to the beginning of a memory page.

Definition at line 46 of file buffer_util.h.



IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_CODE_INTEGRITY: a structure used by IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR - the Windows 10 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32: the Windows 10 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32: the Windows 7 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32: the Windows 8 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64: the Windows 10 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64: the Windows 7 version.


IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64: the Windows 8 version.

◆ t_on_res_entry_found

typedef bool(* peconv::t_on_res_entry_found) (BYTE *modulePtr, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *root_dir, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *curr_entry)

A callback that will be executed by the function parse_resources when the Resource Entry was found.

Definition at line 13 of file resource_parser.h.


typedef PBYTE peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF

A buffer allocated on the heap of a process, not aligned to the beginning of a memory page.

Definition at line 41 of file buffer_util.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ t_load_config_ver

A version of Load Config Directory.


Load Config Directory not found


Load Config Directory in the Windows 7 version


Load Config Directory in the Windows 8 version


Load Config Directory in the Windows 10 version


Load Config Directory in an unknown version

Definition at line 17 of file load_config_util.h.

◆ t_pe_dump_mode

A mode in which the PE fille be dumped.


autodetect which dump mode is the most suitable for the given input


dump as it is in the memory (virtual)


convert to the raw format: using raw sections' headers


convert to the raw format: by realigning raw sections' headers to be the same as virtual (useful if the PE was unpacked in memory)


total number of the dump modes

Definition at line 16 of file pe_dumper.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _search_readable_size()

SIZE_T peconv::_search_readable_size ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t buffer_size,
const SIZE_T minimal_size )

Performs a binary search along with ReadProcessMemory, trying to find the biggest size of memory (within the buffer_size) that can be read. The search stops when the minimal_size was reached. The given minimal_size must be non-zero, and smaller than the buffer_size. If the size matching the constraints was found, it reads that many bytes to the buffer.

Definition at line 61 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

◆ alloc_aligned()

peconv::ALIGNED_BUF peconv::alloc_aligned ( size_t buffer_size,
DWORD protect,
ULONGLONG desired_base = NULL )

Allocates a buffer of a virtual memory (using VirtualAlloc). Can be used in the cases when the buffer have to be aligned to the beginning of a page.

Definition at line 56 of file buffer_util.cpp.

◆ alloc_pe_buffer()

peconv::ALIGNED_BUF peconv::alloc_pe_buffer ( size_t buffer_size,
DWORD protect,
ULONGLONG desired_base = NULL )

Allocates an aligned buffer for a PE file.

Definition at line 82 of file buffer_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ alloc_unaligned()

peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF peconv::alloc_unaligned ( size_t buf_size)

Allocates a buffer on the heap. Can be used in the cases when the buffer does not have to start at the beginning of a page.

Definition at line 39 of file buffer_util.cpp.

◆ calc_pe_size()

DWORD peconv::calc_pe_size ( IN const PBYTE pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size,
IN bool is_raw )

Calculate full PE size (raw or virtual) using information from sections' headers. WARNING: it drops an overlay.

pe_buffer: a buffer containing a PE
pe_size: the size of the given buffer
is_raw: If true, the Raw alignment is used. If false, the Virtual alignment is used.

Definition at line 587 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ collect_imports()

bool peconv::collect_imports ( IN BYTE * modulePtr,
IN SIZE_T moduleSize,
OUT ImportsCollection & collection )

Definition at line 376 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ collect_thunks()

bool peconv::collect_thunks ( IN BYTE * modulePtr,
IN SIZE_T moduleSize,
OUT std::set< DWORD > & thunk_rvas )

Collects all the Import Thunks RVAs (via which Imports are called)

Definition at line 370 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ detect_dump_mode()

t_pe_dump_mode peconv::detect_dump_mode ( IN const BYTE * buffer,
IN size_t buffer_size )

Detect dump mode that is the most suitable for the given input.

buffer: the buffer containing the PE to be dumped.
buffer_size: the size of the given buffer

Definition at line 13 of file pe_dumper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dump_pe()

bool peconv::dump_pe ( IN LPCTSTR outputFilePath,
IN OUT BYTE * buffer,
IN size_t buffer_size,
IN const ULONGLONG module_base,
IN OUT t_pe_dump_mode & dump_mode,
IN OPTIONAL const peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap = nullptr )

Dumps PE from the fiven buffer into a file. It expects the module base and size to be given.

outputFilePath: name of the file where the dump should be saved
buffer: the buffer containing the PE to be dumped. WARNING: the buffer may be preprocessed before dumping.
buffer_size: the size of the given buffer
module_base: the base to which the PE buffer was relocated
dump_mode: specifies in which format the PE should be dumped. If the mode was set to PE_DUMP_AUTO, it autodetects mode and returns the detected one.
exportsMap: optional. If exportsMap is supplied, it will try to recover destroyed import table of the PE, basing on the supplied map of exported functions.

Definition at line 25 of file pe_dumper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dump_remote_pe()

bool peconv::dump_remote_pe ( IN LPCTSTR outputFilePath,
IN const HANDLE processHandle,
IN LPVOID moduleBase,
IN OUT t_pe_dump_mode & dump_mode,
IN OPTIONAL peconv::ExportsMapper * exportsMap = nullptr )

Dumps PE from the remote process into a file. It expects the module base and size to be given.

outputFilePath: the path where the dump will be saved
processHandle: the handle to the remote process
moduleBase: the base address of the module that needs to be dumped
dump_mode: specifies in which format the PE should be dumped. If the mode was set to PE_DUMP_AUTO, it autodetects mode and returns the detected one.
exportsMap: optional. If exportsMap is supplied, it will try to recover destroyed import table of the PE, basing on the supplied map of exported functions.

Definition at line 388 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dump_to_file()

bool peconv::dump_to_file ( IN LPCTSTR path,
IN PBYTE dump_data,
IN size_t dump_size )

Writes a buffer of bytes into a file of given path.

path: the path to the output file
dump_data: the buffer to be dumped
dump_size: the size of data to be dumped (in bytes)
true if succeeded, false if failed

Definition at line 101 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ fetch_alloc_base()

ULONGLONG peconv::fetch_alloc_base ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr )

Fetch the allocation base of the memory region with the supplied start address.

processHandle: handle of the process where the region of interest belongs
start_addr: the address inside the region of interest
the allocation base address of the memory region, or 0 if not found

Definition at line 43 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fetch_callbacks_list()

template<typename FIELD_T >
size_t peconv::fetch_callbacks_list ( IN PVOID modulePtr,
IN size_t moduleSize,
IN DWORD callbacks_rva,
OUT std::vector< ULONGLONG > & tls_callbacks )

Definition at line 10 of file tls_parser.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fetch_region_info()

bool peconv::fetch_region_info ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr,

Definition at line 10 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

◆ fetch_region_size()

size_t peconv::fetch_region_size ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr )

Fetch size of the memory region starting from the given address.

Definition at line 33 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_alignment_cave()

PBYTE peconv::find_alignment_cave ( BYTE * modulePtr,
size_t moduleSize,
const DWORD cave_size,
const DWORD req_charact = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ )

Finds cave in the difference between the original raw size, and the raw size rounded to the aligmnent

Definition at line 48 of file caves.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_base_candidate()

ULONGLONG peconv::find_base_candidate ( IN BYTE * module_ptr,
IN size_t module_size )

Try to find a base to which the PE file was relocated, basing on the filled relocations. WARNING: the found base is an estimate, and sometimes may not be fully accurate.

module_ptr: the module which's base is being searched
module_size: the size of the given module
the base to which the module was relocated

Definition at line 70 of file find_base.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_ending_cave()

PBYTE peconv::find_ending_cave ( BYTE * module_ptr,
size_t module_size,
const DWORD cave_size,
const DWORD cave_charact = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ )

Finds cave at the end of the image (extend last section's raw size without extending the full image size)

Definition at line 11 of file caves.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_extension_pos()

size_t peconv::find_extension_pos ( IN const std::string str)

Find a position of possible file extension. If not found, gives string length.

Definition at line 150 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ find_padding_cave()

PBYTE peconv::find_padding_cave ( BYTE * modulePtr,
size_t moduleSize,
const size_t minimal_size,
const DWORD req_charact = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ )

Finds cave at the end of the section, that comes from a NULL padding or INT3 padding

Definition at line 94 of file caves.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fix_imports()

bool peconv::fix_imports ( IN OUT PVOID modulePtr,
IN size_t moduleSize,
IN const peconv::ExportsMapper & exportsMap,
OUT OPTIONAL peconv::ImpsNotCovered * notCovered )

fix imports in the given module, using the given map of all available exports

Definition at line 216 of file fix_imports.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ format_dll_func()

std::string peconv::format_dll_func ( const std::string & str)

Convert the function in a format: DLL_name.function_name into a normalized form (DLL name in lowercase).

Definition at line 95 of file exported_func.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ forwarder_name_len()

size_t peconv::forwarder_name_len ( BYTE * fPtr)

Check if the pointer redirects to a forwarder - if so, return the length, otherwise return 0.

Definition at line 36 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ free_aligned()

bool peconv::free_aligned ( peconv::ALIGNED_BUF buffer,
size_t buffer_size = 0 )

Frees buffer allocated by alloc_aligned.

Definition at line 64 of file buffer_util.cpp.

◆ free_file()

void peconv::free_file ( IN peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF buffer)

Free the buffer allocated by load_file/read_from_file

Definition at line 127 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ free_pe_buffer()

bool peconv::free_pe_buffer ( peconv::ALIGNED_BUF buffer,
size_t buffer_size = 0 )

Free the memory allocated with alloc_pe_buffer.

Definition at line 88 of file buffer_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ free_resource_data()

void peconv::free_resource_data ( peconv::ALIGNED_BUF buffer)

Free the buffer with PE Resources, mapped by the function load_resource_data.

Definition at line 53 of file resource_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ free_unaligned()

void peconv::free_unaligned ( peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF section_buffer)

Frees buffer allocated by alloc_unaligned.

Definition at line 47 of file buffer_util.cpp.

◆ get_current_module_handle()

HMODULE peconv::get_current_module_handle ( )

a helper function to get the module handle of the current DLL

Definition at line 7 of file resource_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_delayed_imps()

IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR * peconv::get_delayed_imps ( IN const BYTE * modulePtr,
IN const size_t moduleSize,
OUT size_t & dir_size )

Get the Delayload Imports directory. Returns the pointer to the first descriptor. The size of the directory is passed via variable dir_size.

Definition at line 6 of file delayed_imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_directory_entry()

IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * peconv::get_directory_entry ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN DWORD dir_id,
IN bool allow_empty = false )

get Data Directory entry of the given number. If the entry is not filled and allow_empty is not set, it returns null pointer.

Definition at line 130 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_directory_name()

std::string peconv::get_directory_name ( IN const std::string full_path)

Get the directory name from the given path. It assumes that a directory name always ends with a separator ("/" or "\")

Definition at line 141 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ get_dll_characteristics()

WORD peconv::get_dll_characteristics ( IN const BYTE * payload)

Fetch the DLL Characteristics from the Optional Header.

Definition at line 415 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_dll_shortname()

std::string peconv::get_dll_shortname ( const std::string & str)

get the DLL name without the extension

Definition at line 12 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ get_dotnet_hdr()

IMAGE_COR20_HEADER * peconv::get_dotnet_hdr ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN size_t const buffer_size,

Fetch the pointer to the .NET header (if exist).

Definition at line 488 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_entry_point_rva()

DWORD peconv::get_entry_point_rva ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Get RVA of the Entry Point from the Optional Header.

Definition at line 171 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_export_directory()

IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY * peconv::get_export_directory ( IN HMODULE modulePtr)

Get pointer to the Export Directory.

Definition at line 482 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_exported_func()

FARPROC peconv::get_exported_func ( PVOID modulePtr,
LPCSTR wanted_name )

Gets the function address by the name. Uses Export Table lookup. WARNING: doesn't work for the forwarded functions.

Definition at line 100 of file exports_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_exported_names()

size_t peconv::get_exported_names ( PVOID modulePtr,
std::vector< std::string > & names_list )

Gets list of all the functions from a given module that are exported by names.

Definition at line 78 of file exports_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_file_characteristics()

WORD peconv::get_file_characteristics ( IN const BYTE * payload)

Fetch the PE Characteristics from the File Header.

Definition at line 374 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_file_hdr()

const IMAGE_FILE_HEADER * peconv::get_file_hdr ( IN const BYTE * payload,
IN const size_t buffer_size )

Fetches file header of the PE. Validates pointers against buffer size.

Definition at line 257 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_file_name()

std::string peconv::get_file_name ( IN const std::string full_path)

Get the file name from the given path.

Definition at line 132 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ get_func_name()

std::string peconv::get_func_name ( const std::string & str)

Get the function name from the string in a format: DLL_name.function_name

Definition at line 64 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ get_hdrs_size()

DWORD peconv::get_hdrs_size ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Fetch the size of headers (from Optional Header).

Definition at line 208 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_image_base()

ULONGLONG peconv::get_image_base ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Definition at line 152 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_image_size()

DWORD peconv::get_image_size ( IN const BYTE * payload)

Fetch image size from headers.

Definition at line 77 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_kernel32_hndl()

HMODULE peconv::get_kernel32_hndl ( )

Definition at line 11 of file util.cpp.

◆ get_last_section()

PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER peconv::get_last_section ( IN const PBYTE pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size,
IN bool is_raw )

Get the last section (in a raw or virtual alignment)

pe_buffer: buffer with a PE
pe_size: size of the given PE
is_raw: If true, give the section with the highest Raw offset. If false, give the section with the highest Virtual offset.

Definition at line 565 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_load_config_ptr()

BYTE * peconv::get_load_config_ptr ( BYTE * buffer,
size_t buf_size )

Get a pointer to the Load Config Directory within the given PE.

buffer: a buffer containing the PE file in a Virtual format
buf_size: size of the buffer
a pointer to the Load Config Directory, NULL if the given PE does not have this directory

Definition at line 4 of file load_config_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_load_config_version()

peconv::t_load_config_ver peconv::get_load_config_version ( BYTE * buffer,
size_t buf_size,
BYTE * ld_config_ptr )

Detect which version of Load Config Directory was used in the given PE.

buffer: a buffer containing the PE file in a Virtual format
buf_size: size of the buffer
ld_config_ptr: pointer to the Load Config Directory within the given PE
detected version of Load Config Directory

Definition at line 20 of file load_config_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_main_module_via_peb()

HMODULE peconv::get_main_module_via_peb ( )

Gets the main module from the current PEB.

the main module connected to the current PEB.

Definition at line 178 of file peb_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_module_size_via_peb()

size_t peconv::get_module_size_via_peb ( IN OPTIONAL HMODULE hModule = nullptr)

Gets size of the given module via PEB.

hModule: (optional) the base of the module which's size we want to retrieve. If not set, the main module of the current process is used.
the size of the given module.

Definition at line 136 of file peb_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_module_via_peb()

HMODULE peconv::get_module_via_peb ( IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR module_name = nullptr)

Gets handle to the given module via PEB. A low-level equivalent of GetModuleHandleW.

module_name: (optional) the name of the DLL loaded within the current process. If not set, the main module of the current process is used.
the handle of the DLL with given name, or, if the name was not given, the handle of the main module of the current process.

Definition at line 105 of file peb_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_nt_hdr_architecture()

WORD peconv::get_nt_hdr_architecture ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Fetch architecture from the NT headers. Checks for bad pointers.

Definition at line 109 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_nt_hdrs()

BYTE * peconv::get_nt_hdrs ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN OPTIONAL size_t buffer_size = 0 )

Fetch pointer to the NT headers of the PE file. Checks for bad pointers. If buffer_size is set, validates pointers against the buffer size.

Definition at line 10 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_nt_hdrs32()

IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 * peconv::get_nt_hdrs32 ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Wrapper for get_nt_headers. Automatically detects if the PE is 32 bit - if not, returns null pointer.

Definition at line 51 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_nt_hdrs64()

IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 * peconv::get_nt_hdrs64 ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Wrapper for get_nt_headers. Automatically detects if the PE is 64 bit - if not, returns null pointer.

Definition at line 64 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_ntdll_hndl()

HMODULE peconv::get_ntdll_hndl ( )

Definition at line 19 of file util.cpp.

◆ get_optional_hdr()

LPVOID peconv::get_optional_hdr ( IN const BYTE * payload,
IN const size_t buffer_size )

Fetches optional header of the PE. Validates pointers against buffer size.

Definition at line 288 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_process_id()

DWORD peconv::get_process_id ( HANDLE hProcess)

Wrapper for GetProcessId - for a backward compatibility with old versions of Windows

Definition at line 76 of file util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_remote_image_size()

DWORD peconv::get_remote_image_size ( IN const HANDLE processHandle,
IN LPVOID start_addr )

Retrieve the Image Size saved in the header of the remote PE.

processHandle: process from where we are reading
start_addr: a base address of the PE within the given process

Definition at line 379 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_remote_pe_section()

peconv::UNALIGNED_BUF peconv::get_remote_pe_section ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID moduleBase,
const size_t sectionNum,
OUT size_t & sectionSize,
bool roundup,
bool force_access = false )

Reads a PE section with a given number (sectionNum) from the remote module within the given process. The buffer of appropriate size is automatically allocated. After use, it should be freed by the function free_unaligned. The size of the buffer is writen into sectionSize.

processHandle: the handle to the remote process
moduleBase: the base address of the module
sectionNum: number of the section to be read
sectionSize: the size of the read section (output)
roundup: if set, the section size is roundup to the alignment unit
force_access: if this flag is set, in case if the region is inaccassible (PAGE_NOACCESS) it will try to force the the read by changing the permissions, and applying the old ones back after reading. WARNING: force_access should be used only on a suspended process, or a process relection, otherwise it may cause instability.
a buffer containing a copy of the section.

Definition at line 291 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_sec_alignment()

DWORD peconv::get_sec_alignment ( IN const BYTE * modulePtr,
IN bool is_raw )

Fetch section aligmenent from headers. Depending on the flag, it fetches either Raw Alignment or Virtual Alignment.

Definition at line 519 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_section_hdr()

PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER peconv::get_section_hdr ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN const size_t buffer_size,
IN size_t section_num )

Gets pointer to the section header of the given number.

Definition at line 343 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_sections_count()

size_t peconv::get_sections_count ( IN const BYTE * buffer,
IN const size_t buffer_size )

Get number of sections from the File Header. It does not validate if this the actual number.

Definition at line 319 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_subsystem()

WORD peconv::get_subsystem ( IN const BYTE * payload)

Get the PE subsystem from the header.

Definition at line 455 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_type_directory()

template<typename IMAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY >
IMAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY * peconv::get_type_directory ( IN HMODULE modulePtr,
IN DWORD dir_id )

Get pointer to the Data Directory content of the given number. Automatically cast to the chosen type.

Definition at line 101 of file pe_hdrs_helper.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_virtual_sec_size()

DWORD peconv::get_virtual_sec_size ( IN const BYTE * pe_hdr,
IN bool rounded )

Get size of virtual section from the headers (optionaly rounds it up to the Virtual Alignment)

Definition at line 546 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ has_relocations()

bool peconv::has_relocations ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Check if the PE has relocations Data Directory.

Definition at line 473 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ has_valid_import_table()

bool peconv::has_valid_import_table ( const PBYTE modulePtr,
size_t moduleSize )

Checks if the given PE has a valid import table.

Definition at line 330 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ has_valid_relocation_table()

bool peconv::has_valid_relocation_table ( IN const PBYTE modulePtr,
IN const size_t moduleSize )

Checks if the given PE has a valid relocations table.

modulePtr: a buffer containing the PE to be checked
moduleSize: the size of the given PE buffer

Definition at line 185 of file relocate.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is64bit()

bool peconv::is64bit ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer)

Wrapper for get_nt_hdr_architecture. Returns true if the PE file is 64 bit.

Definition at line 121 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_bad_read_ptr()

bool peconv::is_bad_read_ptr ( LPCVOID areaStart,
SIZE_T areaSize )

Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory.

areaStart: A pointer to the first byte of the memory block
areaSize: The size of the memory block, in bytes. If this parameter is zero, the return value is true (bad pointer).

Definition at line 150 of file util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_dot_net()

bool peconv::is_dot_net ( BYTE * pe_buffer,
size_t pe_buffer_size )

Check if the module is a .NET executable

Definition at line 402 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_mem_accessible()

bool peconv::is_mem_accessible ( LPCVOID areaStart,
SIZE_T areaSize,
DWORD accessRights )

Verifies if the calling process has a defined access to the specified continuous range of memory, defined by areaStart and areaSize. If the area includes pages that are not commited, or pages with access rights PAGE_GUARD | PAGE_NOACCESS, it is treated as inaccessible.

areaStart: A pointer to the first byte of the memory block
areaSize: The size of the memory block, in bytes. If this parameter is zero, the return value is false.
accessRights: The access rights to be checked

Definition at line 110 of file util.cpp.

◆ is_module_dll()

bool peconv::is_module_dll ( IN const BYTE * payload)

Check if the module is a DLL (basing on the Characteristcs in the header).

Definition at line 395 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_ordinal_string()

bool peconv::is_ordinal_string ( const std::string & str)

Check if the given string is in a format typical for storing ordinals (#[ordinal])

Definition at line 82 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ is_padding()

bool peconv::is_padding ( const BYTE * cave_ptr,
size_t cave_size,
const BYTE padding_char )

Checks if the given buffer is fully filled with the specified character.

cave_ptr: pointer to the buffer to be checked
cave_size: size of the buffer to be checked
padding_char: the required character

Definition at line 100 of file util.cpp.

◆ is_pe_expanded()

bool peconv::is_pe_expanded ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size )

checks if the PE has sections that were unpacked/expanded in the memory

Definition at line 163 of file pe_mode_detector.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_pe_raw()

bool peconv::is_pe_raw ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size )

check if the PE in the memory is in raw format

Definition at line 143 of file pe_mode_detector.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_pe_raw_eq_virtual()

bool peconv::is_pe_raw_eq_virtual ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size )

check if Virtual section addresses are identical to Raw addresses (i.e. if the PE was realigned)

Definition at line 99 of file pe_mode_detector.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_pointer_in_ntdll()

bool peconv::is_pointer_in_ntdll ( LPVOID lpAddress)

Definition at line 9 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_section_expanded()

bool peconv::is_section_expanded ( IN const BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN size_t pe_size,

checks if the given section was unpacked in the memory

Definition at line 177 of file pe_mode_detector.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_valid_extension()

bool peconv::is_valid_extension ( const std::string & ext)

Definition at line 180 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ is_valid_import_name()

bool peconv::is_valid_import_name ( const PBYTE modulePtr,
const size_t moduleSize,
LPSTR lib_name )

Checks if the given lib_name is a valid DLL name. A valid name must contain printable characters. Empty name is also acceptable (may have been erased).

Definition at line 313 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_valid_sections_hdr_offset()

bool peconv::is_valid_sections_hdr_offset ( IN const BYTE * buffer,
IN const size_t buffer_size )

Checks if the section headers are reachable. It does not validate sections alignment.

Definition at line 328 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_valid_sectons_alignment()

bool peconv::is_valid_sectons_alignment ( IN const BYTE * buffer,
IN const SIZE_T buffer_size,
IN bool is_raw )

Walk through sections headers checking if the sections beginnings and sizes are fitting the alignment (Virtual or Raw)

buffer: a buffer containing a PE
buffer_size: the size of the given buffer
is_raw: If true, the Raw alignment is checked. If false, the Virtual alignment is checked.

Definition at line 605 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ list_tls_callbacks()

size_t peconv::list_tls_callbacks ( IN PVOID modulePtr,
IN size_t moduleSize,
OUT std::vector< ULONGLONG > & tls_callbacks )

A function listing RVAs of all TLS callbacks that are present in the given module.

modulePtr: pointer to the buffer with the PE in a Virtual format, relocated to the load base
moduleSize: size of the given module (if 0 given, the imageSize from the PE headers will be used)
tls_callbacks: a vector of TLS callbacks addresses (as given in the TLS table)
number of TLS callbacks added to the list

Definition at line 52 of file tls_parser.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_delayed_imports()

bool peconv::load_delayed_imports ( BYTE * modulePtr,
const ULONGLONG moduleBase,
t_function_resolver * func_resolver = nullptr )

Fill the Delayload Imports in the given module.

modulePtr: the pointer to the module where the imports needs to be filled.
moduleBase: the base to which the module was relocated, it may (or not) be the same as modulePtr
func_resolver: the resolver that will be used for loading the imports
: true if resolving all succeeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 101 of file delayed_imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_file()

peconv::ALIGNED_BUF peconv::load_file ( IN LPCTSTR filename,
OUT size_t & r_size )

Maps a file with the given path and copies its raw content into the output buffer. If read_size is not zero, it reads maximum read_size of bytes. If read_size is zero, it reads the full file. The actual read size is returned back in read_size. Automatically allocates a buffer of the required size.

Definition at line 11 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_imports()

bool peconv::load_imports ( BYTE * modulePtr,
t_function_resolver * func_resolver = nullptr )

Fills imports of the given PE with the help of the defined functions resolver.

modulePtr: a pointer to the loded PE (in virtual format)
func_resolver: a resolver that will be used to fill the thunk of the import
: true if loading all functions succeeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 288 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_no_sec_pe()

BYTE * peconv::load_no_sec_pe ( BYTE * dllRawData,
size_t r_size,
OUT size_t & v_size,
bool executable )

Definition at line 15 of file pe_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_pe_executable() [1/2]

BYTE * peconv::load_pe_executable ( BYTE * payload_raw,
size_t r_size,
OUT size_t & v_size,
t_function_resolver * import_resolver = nullptr,
ULONGLONG desired_base = 0 )

Loads full PE from the raw buffer in a way in which it can be directly executed: remaps to virual format, applies relocations, loads imports. Allows for supplying custom function resolver.

Definition at line 79 of file pe_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_pe_executable() [2/2]

BYTE * peconv::load_pe_executable ( LPCTSTR filename,
OUT size_t & v_size,
t_function_resolver * import_resolver = nullptr )

Loads full PE from file in a way in which it can be directly executed: remaps to virtual format, applies relocations, loads imports. Allows for supplying custom function resolver.

Definition at line 103 of file pe_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_pe_module() [1/2]

BYTE * peconv::load_pe_module ( BYTE * payload_raw,
size_t r_size,
OUT size_t & v_size,
bool executable,
bool relocate,
ULONGLONG desired_base = 0 )

Reads PE from the given buffer into memory and maps it into virtual format. (Automatic raw to virtual conversion). If the executable flag is true, the PE file is loaded into executable memory. If the relocate flag is true, applies relocations. Does not load imports. Automatically allocates buffer of the needed size (the size is returned in outputSize). The buffer can be freed by the function free_pe_buffer.

Definition at line 34 of file pe_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_pe_module() [2/2]

BYTE * peconv::load_pe_module ( LPCTSTR filename,
OUT size_t & v_size,
bool executable,
bool relocate,
ULONGLONG desired_base = 0 )

Reads PE from the given file into memory and maps it into vitual format. (Automatic raw to virtual conversion). If the executable flag is true, the PE file is loaded into executable memory. If the relocate flag is true, applies relocations. Does not load imports. Automatically allocates buffer of the needed size (the size is returned in outputSize). The buffer can be freed by the function free_pe_buffer.

Definition at line 64 of file pe_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_resource_data()

peconv::ALIGNED_BUF peconv::load_resource_data ( OUT size_t & out_size,
const int res_id,
const LPSTR res_type = RT_RCDATA_A,
HMODULE hInstance = nullptr )

Maps a resource with the given id + type and copies its raw content into the output buffer. If out_size is not zero, it reads maximum out_size of bytes. If out_size is zero, it reads the full resource. The actual read size is returned back in out_size. Automatically allocates a buffer of the required size. If hInstance is NULL, it search the resource in the current module. Otherwise, it search in the given module.

Definition at line 17 of file resource_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ nt_protect()

BOOL peconv::nt_protect ( LPVOID lpAddress,
SIZE_T dwSize,
DWORD flNewProtect,
PDWORD lpflOldProtect )

Definition at line 19 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ordinal_string_to_val()

DWORD peconv::ordinal_string_to_val ( const std::string & str)

Get the ordinal value from the ordinal string (in a format #[ordinal])

Definition at line 88 of file exported_func.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ordinal_to_string()

std::string peconv::ordinal_to_string ( DWORD func_ordinal)

Convert ordinal value to the ordinal string (in a format #[ordinal])

Definition at line 74 of file exported_func.cpp.

◆ parse_resources()

bool peconv::parse_resources ( BYTE * modulePtr,
t_on_res_entry_found on_entry )

A function walking through the Resource Tree of the given PE. On each Resource Entry found, the callback is executed.

modulePtr: pointer to the buffer with the PE in a Virtual format
on_entry: a callback function executed on each Resource Entry

Definition at line 78 of file resource_parser.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pe_raw_to_virtual()

BYTE * peconv::pe_raw_to_virtual ( IN const BYTE * rawPeBuffer,
IN size_t rawPeSize,
OUT size_t & outputSize,
IN OPTIONAL bool executable = true,
IN OPTIONAL ULONGLONG desired_base = 0 )

Converts a raw PE supplied in a buffer to a virtual format. If the executable flag is true (default), the PE file is loaded into executable memory. Does not apply relocations. Does not load imports. Automatically allocates buffer of the needed size (the size is returned in outputSize). The buffer can be freed by the function free_pe_module. If the desired_base is defined (0 by default), it enforces allocation at the particular base.

Definition at line 102 of file pe_raw_to_virtual.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pe_realign_raw_to_virtual()

BYTE * peconv::pe_realign_raw_to_virtual ( IN const BYTE * payload,
IN size_t in_size,
OUT size_t & outputSize )

Definition at line 173 of file pe_virtual_to_raw.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pe_virtual_to_raw()

BYTE * peconv::pe_virtual_to_raw ( IN BYTE * payload,
IN size_t in_size,
OUT size_t & outputSize,
IN OPTIONAL bool rebuffer = true )

Maps virtual image of PE to into raw. Automaticaly applies relocations. Automatically allocates buffer of the needed size (the size is returned in outputSize).

payload: the PE in the Virtual format that needs to be converted into the Raw format
in_size: size of the input buffer (the PE in the Virtual format)
loadBase: the base to which the given PE was relocated
outputSize: the size of the output buffer (the PE in the Raw format)
rebuffer: if set (default), the input buffer is rebuffered and the original buffer is not modified.
a buffer of the outputSize, containing the Raw PE. The buffer can be freed by the function free_pe_module.

Definition at line 119 of file pe_virtual_to_raw.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ process_import_table()

bool peconv::process_import_table ( IN BYTE * modulePtr,
IN SIZE_T moduleSize,
IN ImportThunksCallback * callback )

Process the given PE's import table and execute the callback each time when the new imported function was found

modulePtr: a pointer to the loded PE (in virtual format)
moduleSize: a size of the supplied PE
callback: a callback that will be executed to process each imported function
: true if processing succeeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 269 of file imports_loader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ process_relocation_table()

bool peconv::process_relocation_table ( IN PVOID modulePtr,
IN SIZE_T moduleSize,
IN RelocBlockCallback * callback )

Definition at line 101 of file relocate.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_dll_name()

LPSTR peconv::read_dll_name ( HMODULE modulePtr)

Read the DLL name from the Export Table.

Definition at line 181 of file exports_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_from_file()

peconv::ALIGNED_BUF peconv::read_from_file ( IN LPCTSTR path,
IN OUT size_t & read_size )

Reads a raw content of the file with the given path. If read_size is not zero, it reads maximum read_size of bytes. If read_size is zero, it reads the full file. The actual read size is returned back in read_size. Automatically allocates a buffer of the required size.

Definition at line 65 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_remote_area()

size_t peconv::read_remote_area ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t buffer_size,
const bool force_access,
const SIZE_T minimal_size = 0x100 )

Reads a full memory area within a given process, starting at the start_addr, till the buffer_size is exceeded. The memory area can consist of multiple regions with various access rights. In case if the region is inaccessible, if the flag force_access was set, it tries to force the access by temporarly changing the permissions. On read failure the region is skipped, and the read is moving to the next one, leaving in the output buffer an empty space of the region size. Requires a handle with privilege PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION. In order for force_access to work, PROCESS_VM_OPERATION is additionally required. step_size is passed to the underlying read_remote_memory.

processHandle: handle of the process where the memory of interest belongs
start_addr: the address within the remote process to start reading from
buffer: the buffer where the read data will be stored
buffer_size: the size of the buffer
force_access: if this flag is set, in case if the region is inaccassible (PAGE_NOACCESS) it will try to force the the read by changing the permissions, and applying the old ones back after reading. WARNING: force_access should be used only on a suspended process, or a process relection, otherwise it may cause instability.
minimal_size: the minimal size that has to be read in order to consider the read successful (passed to read_remote_memory)
the number of bytes successfuly read

Definition at line 203 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_remote_memory()

size_t peconv::read_remote_memory ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t buffer_size,
const SIZE_T minimal_size = 0x100 )

Wrapper over ReadProcessMemory. Requires a handle with privilege PROCESS_VM_READ. If reading of the full buffer_size was not possible, it will keep trying to read a smaller chunk, decreasing requested size on each attempt, till the minimal_size is reached (it is a workaround for errors such as FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE). Returns how many bytes were successfuly read.

processHandle: handle of the process where the memory of interest belongs
start_addr: the address within the remote process to start reading from
buffer: the buffer where the read data will be stored
buffer_size: the size of the buffer, and the size that will be attempted to read
minimal_size: the minimal size that has to be read in order to consider the read successful
the number of bytes successfuly read

Definition at line 106 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_remote_pe()

size_t peconv::read_remote_pe ( const HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID moduleBase,
const size_t moduleSize,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t bufferSize )

Reads PE file from the remote process into the supplied buffer. It expects the module base and size to be given.

Definition at line 325 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_remote_pe_header()

bool peconv::read_remote_pe_header ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID moduleBase,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t bufferSize,
bool force_access = false )

Reads a PE header of the remote module within the given process. Requires a valid output buffer to be supplied (buffer).

processHandle: handle of the process where the memory of interest belongs
moduleBase: the base address of the module within the remote process
buffer: the buffer where the read data will be stored
buffer_size: the size of the buffer
force_access: if this flag is set, in case if the region is inaccassible (PAGE_NOACCESS) it will try to force the the read by changing the permissions, and applying the old ones back after reading. WARNING: force_access should be used only on a suspended process, or a process relection, otherwise it may cause instability.

Definition at line 250 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_remote_region()

size_t peconv::read_remote_region ( HANDLE processHandle,
LPVOID start_addr,
OUT BYTE * buffer,
const size_t buffer_size,
const bool force_access,
const SIZE_T minimal_size = 0x100 )

Reads a single memory region (continuous, with the same access rights) within a given process, starting at the start_addr. In case if it is inaccessible, if the flag force_access was set, it tries to force the access by temporarly changing the permissions. Requires a handle with privilege PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION. In order for force_access to work, PROCESS_VM_OPERATION is additionally required. step_size is passed to the underlying read_remote_memory.

processHandle: handle of the process where the memory of interest belongs
start_addr: the address within the remote process to start reading from
buffer: the buffer where the read data will be stored
buffer_size: the size of the buffer
force_access: if this flag is set, in case if the region is inaccassible (PAGE_NOACCESS) it will try to force the the read by changing the permissions, and applying the old ones back after reading. WARNING: force_access should be used only on a suspended process, or a process relection, otherwise it may cause instability.
minimal_size: the minimal size that has to be read in order to consider the read successful (passed to read_remote_memory)
the number of bytes successfuly read

Definition at line 150 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ redirect_to_local()

size_t peconv::redirect_to_local ( void * ptr,
void * new_function_ptr,
PatchBackup * backup = nullptr )

Installs inline hook at the given ptr. Returns the number of bytes overwriten. Uses bitness of the current applications for the bitness of the intalled hook.

ptr: pointer to the function to be replaced
new_function_ptr: pointer to the new function
backup: (optional) backup that can be used to reverse the changes
size of the applied patch

Definition at line 177 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ redirect_to_local32()

size_t peconv::redirect_to_local32 ( void * ptr,
DWORD new_offset,
PatchBackup * backup = nullptr )

Installs inline hook at the given ptr. Returns the number of bytes overwriten. 32 bit version.

ptr: pointer to the function to be replaced
new_offset: VA of the new function
backup: (optional) backup that can be used to reverse the changes
size of the applied patch

Definition at line 142 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ redirect_to_local64()

size_t peconv::redirect_to_local64 ( void * ptr,
ULONGLONG new_offset,
PatchBackup * backup = nullptr )

Installs inline hook at the given ptr. Returns the number of bytes overwriten. 64 bit version.

ptr: pointer to the function to be replaced
new_offset: VA of the new function
backup: (optional) backup that can be used to reverse the changes
size of the applied patch

Definition at line 107 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ relocate_module()

bool peconv::relocate_module ( IN BYTE * modulePtr,
IN SIZE_T moduleSize,
IN ULONGLONG oldBase = 0 )

Applies relocations on the PE in virtual format. Relocates it from the old base given to the new base given. If 0 was supplied as the old base, it assumes that the old base is the ImageBase given in the header.

modulePtr: a buffer containing the PE to be relocated
moduleSize: the size of the given PE buffer
newBase: a base to which the PE should be relocated
oldBase: a base to which the PE is currently relocated (if not set, the imageBase from the header will be used)

Definition at line 158 of file relocate.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_module_extension()

std::string peconv::remove_module_extension ( IN const std::string str)

Definition at line 194 of file exported_func.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ replace_target()

bool peconv::replace_target ( BYTE * ptr,
ULONGLONG dest_addr )

Replaces a target address of JMP [DWORD] or CALL [DWORD]

Definition at line 210 of file hooks.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ round_up_to_unit()

template<typename INT_TYPE >
INT_TYPE peconv::round_up_to_unit ( const INT_TYPE size,
const INT_TYPE unit )

Definition at line 22 of file pe_hdrs_helper.h.

◆ roundup_to_unit()

size_t peconv::roundup_to_unit ( size_t size,
size_t unit )

Definition at line 280 of file remote_pe_reader.cpp.

◆ run_tls_callbacks()

size_t peconv::run_tls_callbacks ( IN PVOID modulePtr,
IN size_t moduleSize = 0,

A function running all the TLS callbacks that are present in the given module, one by one.

modulePtr: pointer to the buffer with the PE in a Virtual format, relocated to the load base
moduleSize: size of the given module (if 0 given, the imageSize from the PE headers will be used)
dwReason: a parameter (dwReason) that will be passed to the callback function
number of TLS callbacks executed

Definition at line 84 of file tls_parser.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_main_module_in_peb()

bool peconv::set_main_module_in_peb ( HMODULE hModule)

Sets the given module as the main module in the current PEB.

hModule: the module to be connected to the current PEB.
true if succeeded, false if failed

Definition at line 167 of file peb_lookup.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_sec_alignment()

bool peconv::set_sec_alignment ( IN OUT BYTE * pe_buffer,
IN bool is_raw,
IN DWORD new_alignment )

Change section aligmenent in headers. Depending on the flag, it sets either Raw Alignment or Virtual Alignment.

Definition at line 531 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_subsystem()

bool peconv::set_subsystem ( IN OUT BYTE * payload,
IN WORD subsystem )

Set the PE subsystem in the header.

Definition at line 436 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setup_exceptions()

bool peconv::setup_exceptions ( IN BYTE * modulePtr,
IN size_t moduleSize )

Allows to activate the Exception table from the manually loaded module. For 32-bits the loaded image should enable /SAFESEH linker option, otherwise the exception handler cannot pass the RtlIsValidHandler() check when an exception occurs

Definition at line 615 of file exceptions_parser.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update_entry_point_rva()

bool peconv::update_entry_point_rva ( IN OUT BYTE * pe_buffer,

Change the Entry Point RVA in the Optional Header to the given one.

Definition at line 190 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update_image_base()

bool peconv::update_image_base ( IN OUT BYTE * payload,
IN ULONGLONG destImageBase )

Change the Image Base in Optional Header to the given one.

Definition at line 226 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update_image_size()

bool peconv::update_image_size ( IN OUT BYTE * payload,
IN DWORD new_img_size )

Change the Image Size in Optional Header to the given one.

Definition at line 93 of file pe_hdrs_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ validate_ptr()

bool peconv::validate_ptr ( IN const void * buffer_bgn,
IN size_t buffer_size,
IN const void * field_bgn,
IN size_t field_size )

Validates pointers, checks if the particular field is inside the given buffer. Sizes must be given in bytes.

buffer_bgn: the start address of the buffer
buffer_size: the size of the buffer
field_bgn: the start address of the field
field_size: the size of the field
true if the field (defined by its start address: field_bgn, and size: field_size) is contained within the given buffer (defined by its start address: buffer_bgn, and size: buffer_size). false otherwise

Definition at line 9 of file buffer_util.cpp.

◆ virtual_addr_to_rva()

bool peconv::virtual_addr_to_rva ( IN const ULONGLONG imgBase,
IN const DWORD imgSize,
IN ULONGLONG virtualAddr,

A helper function, normalizing virtual addresses. It automatically detects if the given virtual address is VA or RVA, and converts it into RVA

imgBase: the base address to which the module was relocated
imgSize: the size of the image
virtualAddr: the virtual address (RVA or VA) that we want to convert (within the module described by imgBase and imgSize)
outRVA: the output of the conversion (RVA)
true if the conversion was successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 35 of file tls_parser.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ g_kernel32Hndl

HMODULE peconv::g_kernel32Hndl = nullptr

Definition at line 8 of file util.cpp.

◆ g_ntdllHndl

HMODULE peconv::g_ntdllHndl = nullptr

Definition at line 9 of file util.cpp.



Maximal size of the PE header.

Definition at line 19 of file pe_hdrs_helper.h.



Definition at line 13 of file resource_util.h.