A library to load, manipulate, dump PE files.
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 buffer_util.hDefinitions of the used buffer types. Functions for their allocation and deallocation
 caves.hFunctions related to finding caves in the loaded PE file
 delayed_imports_loader.hParsing and filling the Delayload Import Table
 exceptions_parser.hFunctions related to Exceptions Table
 exported_func.hA definition of ExportedFunc class - used for storing the details of the exported function. Helper functions related to the export parsing
 exports_lookup.hSearching specific functions in PE's Exports Table
 exports_mapper.hA definition of ExportsMapper class. Creates a lookup of all the exported functions from the supplied DLLs. Allows to associate an address with a corresponding function
 file_util.hFunctions related to operations on files. Wrappers for read/write
 find_base.hFunctions related to finding a base to which the module was relocated
 fix_imports.hFunctions and classes responsible for fixing Import Table. A definition of ImportedDllCoverage class
 function_resolver.hDefinitions of basic Imports Resolver classes. They can be used for filling imports when the PE is loaded
 hooks.hFunctions related to hooking the loaded PE. Reditecting/replacing a functions with another
 imports_loader.hParsing and filling the Import Table
 imports_uneraser.hA definition of ImportsUneraser class - for recovery of a partialy erased Import Table
 load_config_defs.hDefinitions of various versions of Load Config Directory (new fields added with new versions for Windows)
 load_config_util.hFetching Load Config Directory and recognizing its version
 pe_dumper.hDumping PE from the memory buffer into a file
 pe_hdrs_helper.hWrappers over various fields in the PE header. Read, write, parse PE headers
 pe_loader.hLoading PE from a file with the help of the custom loader
 pe_mode_detector.hDetecting in which mode is the PE in the supplied buffer (i.e. raw, virtual). Analyzes PE features typical for particular modes
 pe_raw_to_virtual.hConverting PE from raw to virtual format
 pe_virtual_to_raw.hConverting PE from virtual to raw format
 peb_lookup.hFunctions for retrieving process information from PEB
 relocate.hOperating on PE file's relocations table
 remote_pe_reader.hReading from a PE module that is loaded within a remote process
 resource_parser.hParsing PE's resource directory
 resource_util.hFunctions related to manual retrieving of PE resources
 tls_parser.hFunctions related to TLS Callbacks
 util.hMiscellaneous utility functions
 peconv.hMaster include file, including everything else