23 outs <<
"\"" << std::hex << (ULONGLONG)
module <<
"\"" <<
31 outs << std::dec <<
36 OUT_PADDED(outs, level,
"\"mapping_scan\" : ");
virtual const bool toJSON(std::stringstream &outs, size_t level, const pesieve::t_json_level &jdetails)
MappingScanReport(HMODULE _module, size_t _moduleSize)
virtual const void fieldsToJSON(std::stringstream &outs, size_t level, const pesieve::t_json_level &jdetails)
A scanner for detection of inconsistencies in mapping. Checks if the mapped file name is different th...
MappingScanner(HANDLE hProc, ModuleData &moduleData)
virtual MappingScanReport * scanRemote()
Loads a module from the disk, corresponding to the module in the scanned process' memory.
A base class of all the reports detailing on the output of the performed module's scan.
A base class for all the scanners checking appropriate process' features.
std::string escape_path_separators(std::string path)